Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
23rd 24th 25th February 2023
Anaj Mandi, Near G T Road,
Panipat, Haryana
Rules & Regulations
- Rights: The Organizers reserve all rights in connection with Yarn Fabric and Accessories Trade Show. The organizer has the right to make any decision related to cases not provided for in these regulations.
- Terms of References: In these Rules and Regulations, the term ‘Exhibitor’ shall include all employees, staff and agents of any company, partnership firm or individual to whom space has been allocated for the purpose of participating. The term ‘Organizers’ shall mean the Management Committee, Vision Communications, Noida, India. The term ‘Tradeshow’ shall mean the tradeshow known as ‘Yarn Fabric and Accessories Trade Show 2019’.
- Booth Confirmation: A booth would be deemed confirmed, upon the Exhibitor submitting the registration form duly signed along with the complete product classification form and realization of payment there against.
- Booth Allocation: The Organizers reserve absolute right for the final booth allocation, and may offer alternate booth of equivalent size to confirmed exhibitors. Exhibitor’s request for specific locations will be considered, but cannot be binding or conditional for their participation, once they fill in Registration Form.
- Default on Payment: The Organizers reserve the right to cancel any reservation of space in the event of an Exhibitor not having paid the dues of the booth charges within specified period. Payment already received will be forfeited in such cases.
- Change of Booth: A booth once booked by the Exhibitor cannot be changed without prior written consent of the organisers.
- Cancellation: No reduction/cancellation would be permitted after registration. The Organizers may, in special cases, permit reduction / cancellation upto120 days before the trade show dates after forfeiting 50% of the total booth charges. In extremely exceptional situations, which will be judged solely the trade show management, cancellation may be permitted by carrying forward the amount to the credit of the exhibitor for next year. No cash refunds would be made.
- Damage to the Trade Show Area: Exhibitors are required to indemnify the Organizers against any claim made against them in respect of damage to Tradeshow halls and venue caused by their stand exhibits, staff or by agents acting on their behalf.
- Security & Insurance of the exhibits and property of the booth shall be the responsibility of the Individual Exhibitor.
- The Organizers shall not be responsible in any way for personal injury to the Exhibitors or their staff, agents, invitees or licencees, however caused.
- Consequential Loss: In case of the Tradeshow being cancelled or suspended or deferred in whole or in part, for causes not in the Organizers’ control, the Organizers do not accept any consequential liability in any eventuality.
- Business Volume: The organizers don’t guarantee any volume of business to any exhibitor; nor are in any exhibitor’s booth.
Booth Alteration:
- No alteration in size of an Exhibitor’s booth is permitted without the prior written approval of the Organizers.
- The Organizers reserve the right to modify the layouts of the booth sites and gangways, and allot alternate stand.
- In case the actual size of a booth is less than booked space, the Organizers will be liable to a refund cost of the discrepancy in space in rounded metres, but would not be liable for any consequences, thereof.
- In the event of an Exhibitor’s display causing inconvenience to other Exhibitors, the Organizers reserve the right to ask for the required alterations.
- Conversion of an allocated Shell Scheme booth to Free Design (like raw space booths) is not permitted.
- No fixings should be made to the flush plywood of the Shell Scheme. Damaging them in anyway, alterations in the fascia structure or the format are not permitted. Any attempt to do this will involve the restoration of the original structure at the expenses of the Exhibitor or his/her agent.
- Neither are the booth displays allowed to overhang the allotted area, nor are any obstructions permitted near gangways, fire points, extinguishers and emergency exits.
- Designers are particularly requested to avoid designs which may block or box in on other Exhibitors’ booths or the aisles.
- Booth Interiors: While the Exhibitors are free to decorate their stands to the best of their ability for projecting the right image of their products and company, they should take care not to cause any damage to the walls, panels and floors by use of nails, painting or any other such activity. All designs for construction of booths on raw space must be sent to organisers for technical approval, atleast 3 weeks before the show.Maximum height permissible for construction in raw space is only 12 feet from ground.
- Equipment Interference: No equipment which emits excessive noise or causes electrical interference or any other annoyance can be operated. In this matter, the decision of the Organizers shall be final.
- Audio Visual Presentation: It is appreciated that audio visual presentations are an important part of YFA 2019. However, the Organizers expect Exhibitors to exercise discretion and show courtesy towards fellow Exhibitors.
Space not Occupied:
- Every Exhibitor shall occupy and man the full area booked by him for the entire duration of the tradeshow.
- Should an Exhibitor fail to take up the booth allocated to him, the Organizers reserve the right to use the booth so unoccupied, as they think fit and the Exhibitor shall not have any claims in this regard.
- The Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or grant licences in respect of the whole or part of the stand, Cards, advertisements or printed matter of the firms or persons who are not bonafide Exhibitor may not be exhibited or distributed from any booth except that an Exhibitor may distribute cards, advertisements or printed matter of companies or firms which are subsidiaries of the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor’s ultimate holding company.
- Exhibitors may only display in their booths their products as listed in the application form and accepted by the organizer. Exhibitors must not engage in advertising of non-exhibiting companies.
- Collections must be presented inside the booths. Distribution of leaflets or samples outside the booths is strictly prohibited.
- Promotion by Exhibitors: In all communication inviting patrons to visit their booth, Exhibitors must specify clearly that registration is a must for entry to YFA 2019. If this is not the case, the Organizers reserve right to allow them entry at the cost of the Exhibitors.
- Hoardings/Banners: No hoardings, banners etc. will be allowed at the venue or on the roads in the vicinity unless the design, specification, location and installation have been approved by the Organizers in writing. In case it is not, such unauthorized display is liable to be removed by the Organizers without notice at the exhibitor’s cost.
- Security: Although a 24 hour hall security will be in operation throughout the trade show, Exhibitors should take all possible precautions to prevent loss or damage to their equipment, merchandise, display etc.
Exhibit Possession/Removals:
- Exhibitors - raw space possession at 10 A.M. on 19.08.2019, shell scheme at 10 A.M. on 20.08.2019.
- Exhibits must be removed from the booth before 10 A.M. of 24.08.2019.
- Should an Exhibitor fail to vacate his booth, space or premises by the time specified above he/she shall be liable to pay any charge or cost incurred by the Organizers as a result of thereof.
- Exit Permit:No exhibits can be removed before 7:00 PM 23rd August 2019
- Shell Scheme booth sizes: The size of Shell Scheme booth is calculated to the nearest sq. mts. (rounded up or down) and cost is based on this size.
- Electrical Installations: All outside electrical installations must be carried out by the officially appointed electrical contractors before connection to the main supply. Exhibitors will be responsible for safeguarding their equipment against any voltage fluctuations and/or power failure and the Organizers will not be liable for any consequences thereof.
- Fascia: Only one fascia board per booth will be provided. Shell scheme exhibitors are not allowed to change the standard fascia as part of the display. The information provided in the registration form will be used for fascia board at your stand.
- Failure of Service: The Organizers will endeavour to ensure that the services of the suppliers are provided. However, neither they nor the suppliers shall be liable to the Exhibitors for any loss or damage, should any such service wholly or partially fail or cease to be available. Also the Exhibitors shall not be entitled to any concession in respect of the stand charges due or paid under the contract.
- Right to Enter the Tradeshow: The Organizers, venue officials and those authorized by them have the right to enter the tradeshow premises at any time to execute work, repairs and alterations and for other purposes.
- General Lien: All exhibits are subject to general lien in favour of the Organizers for all sums, whether for unpaid stand charges or otherwise, due from an Exhibitor to the Organizers.
- Right of Entry to Visitor: The Organizers reserve the right of admission to visitors and may prescribe registration procedure and recover registration charges/secretarial costs from the visitors. Organizers’ decision in this matter would be final.
- Verbal Agreement: Any verbal agreement concerning any aspect of the contract or the exhibition is not valid unless confirmed in writing.
- Jurisdiction: Any dispute between the Organizers and an Exhibitor is subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Noida (India) only.