Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
23rd 24th 25th February 2023
Anaj Mandi, Near G T Road,
Panipat, Haryana
Sponsorships Opportunities
Event – Title Sponsor
Event – Title Sponsor
- Named as Title Sponsor with corporate name/logo on all marketing and advertising locally and regionally including radio, print and portals
- Prominent Main Branding along with YFA Trade Show 2019 logo
- Corporate logo on all official volunteer and staff t-shirts
- Prime Market Place exhibit space (up to a 9 X 3sqm space)
- Full Page Advertising in the YFA Trade Show exhibition directory (ad copy provided by client) Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Corporate message broadcast on-site during event days
- Logo on YFA Trade Show 2019 website with link to the website
- 3 Prominent signage positions at YFA Trade Show 2019 (signage provided by sponsor)
- Authority to use YFA Trade Show 2019 logo/images in sponsor advertising
- Honouring Senior Management of the Sponsor at the Gala Dinner
- Free Access to VIP Lounge
Event – Partner Sponsor
Event – Partner Sponsor
- Develop a targeted marketing plan aimed at the industry professionals that are important to our sponsors.
- Develop a complete marketing packet,(brochures, press releases, collateral materials, etc,) that will accompany correspondence and sponsorship proposals. Together, the marketing packet and website will inform and attract potential spectators and sponsors.
- Develop an on-going media strategy through advertising and press releases to different publications and portals along with some of the main line newspapers and radio stations in the key cities attracting the visitors.
- Partner with different government bodies and develop strategic marketing alliances to showcase YFA Trade Show 2019 as a premier India Event.
Event – Sponsor for Welcome Address (Minister of Textiles, Govt of India)
Event – Sponsor for Welcome Address (Minister of Textiles, Govt of India)
- Opportunity to welcome the Minister of Textile (Govt of India) and other key dignitaries from the Government.
- Present a bouquet of flowers and accompany honourable minister for lighting of lamp
- Seated on the dais with all the signatories
- Opportunity of one on one interaction with Government representatives
Day 1 Panel Discussion – Title Sponsor
Day 1 Panel Discussion – Title Sponsor
- Named as sponsor for Panel Discussion in all communication material
- On-stage branding through backdrop (or digital) during the time of Panel Discussion
- Participation in the panel discussion alongside who’s who of the Indian textile industry
- Corporate message broadcast before the start of Panel Discussion
- Promotion of Seminar/ Workshop through website, e-mailers, advertisements, etc.
- Advertising in the YFA Trade Show exhibition directory (ad copy provided by client)
- Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Honoring Senior Management of the Sponsor company
Day 2 Fashion Show –Title Sponsor
Day 2 Fashion Show –Title Sponsor
- Gala Fashion Show will be organised on Day 2, followed by a cultural event (by artist of repute)
- The fashion show can be in 2 forms
- Completely sponsored by the brand, showcasing upcoming collection or any innovation
- OR it could be in form of competition amongst fashion colleges/student judged by 3 eminent personalities from textiles and apparel industry
- Promotion Fashion Show through website, mailers, advertisements, etc.
- Promotion of Fashion Show through LCD screen at the Registration Desk
- All the co-ordination and other arrangement for the fashion show to be made by Vision Communication
YFA Trade Show 2019 – VIP Lounge
YFA Trade Show 2019 – VIP Lounge
- Pointed focused branding opportunity that targets the most important attendees at the event.
- Tea / Coffee, Juice and Snacks will be served continuously at the lounge to add to the allure of the lounge.
- Sponsor’s branding on 2 Walls measuring approximately 12 Ft. by 10 Ft.
- Sponsor’s branding on YFA Trade Show 2019 VIP Lounge Entrance Gate
- Advertisement/video of the Brand being played on VIP Lounge screen.
- Continuous branding through the LED Screen at the Registration Desk
Corporate Presentation
Corporate Presentation
- Corporate presentation of 15-20 minutes (material to be provided) after the Welcome Ceremony and Key Note Address
- An opportunity to make the brand visible to the attendees of the event in exclusive fashion
- Coverage through PR in YFA 2019 Trade Show Exhibitors Directory and Daily Post Show Report
- Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Honoring Senior Management of the Sponsor company
Branding at Exhibition Entrance
Branding at Exhibition Entrance
- The Entrance Gate to Hall 1 is one of the most prominent standing spots of the event. A sure visit by every attendee at the event, this entrance gate is a well placed branding opportunity
- Entrance to Hall 1 is positioned right next to the Registration counter giving the sponsor maximum visibility
- This Hall is the only entrance for the VIP Lounge and the trade fair
- Continuous branding through the LED Screen near the Registration Desk
- Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Honoring Senior Management of the Sponsor company
Branding at Registration Desk
Branding at Registration Desk
- The Registration Desk is one of the most prominent spots of the event. A sure visit by every attendee at the event, this registration desk next to the entrance gate is a well placed branding opportunity
- The branding done at the registration desk , will provide maximum visibility to the visitors of the exhibition
- Continuous branding through the LED Screen as the backdrop of the Registration Desk
- Lunch to the sponsor staff
- Honoring Senior Management of the Sponsor company
Logo on bags
Logo on bags
- Along with the logo of YFA Trade Show 2019, the official Visitor Bag has avenues of co-branding.
- In the form of a memento, the official YFA Trade Show 2019 Bag will be handed over to every visitor attending the fair.
- One side of the Visitor Bag shall carry the Brand Logo of the Sponsor’s Brand.
Promotional gifts to the visitor
Promotional gifts to the visitor
- Offer promotional gifts to all visitors of YFA Trade Show 2019, which they can carry back with them. Items such as Pens, Business Card Holders, Planners, Note Pads, T-Shirts, Etc.
- Sponsor has the choice to get the promotional item made through us or bring his own. In case the sponsor wishes for us to make the promotional gift, additional charges will apply.
- 5000 Pcs of Promotional gifts should reach us latest by 10th AUGUST 2019
- Sponsor can opt to offer more then one gift.
Advertisement in Daily Post Show Report
Advertisement in Daily Post Show Report
- Advertisement in Daily Post Show Report
- The “Daily Post Show Report” will be distributed to all the exhibitors and visitors every day during the course of exhibition
- The advertisement rates will be disclosed at a date close to the event
Customized branding to suit your requirement
Customized branding to suit your requirement
- Customized branding to suit your requirement
- Kindly contact the organisers for more details
For charges and further details, please contact:
Mr. Abhishek Sharma
Mobile: +91-9810872914
Mr. Ankur Goel
Mobile: +91-9212707924