Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
23rd 24th 25th February 2023
Anaj Mandi, Near G T Road,
Panipat, Haryana
Visitor Profile
YFA Show being restricted strictly for "Trade Only" provides a professional and conducive environment for networking and doing business. YFA Show 2019 will be the first ever event in Northern India for sourcing of Yarn Fabric and Accessories under one roof. The nature of the visiting parties to this prestigious event represents not only some of the biggest brands but local names too. It is a considerable mix of national and international visitors with many of the participants holding important positions and substantial decision-making power.
Trade visitors to the event will include:
- Composite mills
- Powerloom weavers
- Knitters
- Garment Exporters & Manufacturers
- Buying Houses & Buying Agents
- Local and International Retail Chains
- Apparel Brands & Fashion Labels
- Senior Management of large retailers, purchasing/procurement Heads
- Brand owners of lingerie
- Apparel Domestic Manufacturers
- Importers, Distributors & Wholesalers
- Fashion Designers & Merchandisers
- Design Studios & Institutes
- Trade Body Representatives
- Trade Media